Our js charts are interactive by default, and almost everything can be adjusted to your liking. This article describes the default charts behaviour and tells how to adjust charts' interactivity settings.
Default interactivity
That's what happens by default when users interact with charts:
- series and points are highlighted when hovered
- points are selected
- tooltips of hovered points are shown
- series becomes highlighted when a legend is hovered
- the series gets shown or hidden when a legend element is clicked
- a number of series are selected (multi-select)
Lets' now take a look at a couple of samples with default interactivity settings.
Here we've got a line chart with three series and a legend enabled. Click on legend items to hide/show series.
You can see the code of this sample in the playground.
The following sample shows a scatter chart with marker series, you can hover and select the points, and do everything you can do in the previous cartesian chart sample.
Include and Exclude Points
AnyChart provides out of the box data exploration option: ability to temporary exclude and then, if needed, include point on the any chart. To do so just move a mouse over the point and right click it, so the context menu appears, you will see "Exclude" or "Include" point items in the menu. The points you exclude or include affect only the look of the chart, your data stays safe, unharmed and unaffected by these actions.
If you want to create custom controls or change functionality in context menu you need to use getExcludedPoints(), excludePoint() and includePoint() methods. Moreover, the includeAllPoints() method includes all points of the series and requires no parameters.
Altering interactivity
And now let's talk about customising the charts' behaviour. There are two levels of interactivity: charts behaviour in general and the series interactivity level.
Charts behaviour
We can make some changes in charts behaviour using the interactivity() method. It helps to adjust hover and select settings, as well as create a "highlighting area" - a spot of a custom-defined radius that highlights (hovers) all points within that radius.
So, if we need to change something with hover, we should use hoverMode() with an argument "bySpot" or "byX". In first case we may adjust the radius of a "spot", making it bigger or smaller.
There are also two basic events: hover and select.
Our interactive hover might be of two types: "bySpot", which is a sort of multi-hovering, and "byX", which is the same as single-select.
So the hover of bySpot type (with a Spot of 30px radius) is being enabled by the following line:
// multi-hover enabling
var interactivity = chart.interactivity();
This way of hovering, when a couple of points are hovered simultaneously, is a multi-hover mode. Now let's look at the single-hovering mode ("byX").
Note that you can define the mode in a easier way:
// single-hover enabling
The code line above does the same as the previous one, but we have changed the hovering mode. The following sample demonstrates the difference:
So, the "byX" mode gives us a single-hover mode, when it even isn't necessary to hover the point, you just need to move the cursor over the chart plot. So the y-coordinate doesn't matter at all in this case. It might be useful when you've got a lot of points on a chart and you need to emphasize them.
Now, let's have a look at the select and multi-select features.
If you want to change the selection settings, use the selectionMode() method with one of the following arguments: "none", "singleSelect" or "multiSelect". The "none" value disables the ability to select completely, "singleSelect" disables multi-select and "multiSelect" is the default.
The Shift key is used as it is usually used with selection: if you need to select several points, hold Shift key while clicking them one by one. Selection feature is enabled by default, to switch it off do the following:
// disabling select
var interactivity = chart.interactivity();
Multi-selection mode is enabled by default. However, if you have turned it off and then you need it back, use this:
// multi-select enabling
var interactivity = chart.interactivity();
And the last is single selection mode. As you could guess, the "singleSelect" is to be used in this case.
// single-select enabling
var interactivity = chart.interactivity();
Series behaviour
Usually, when you hover a point, it becomes highlighted. However, if you are creating a custom dashboard or a complex control elements, it might be necessary to highlight the points before you even drag a cursor over a chart. In this case use the hover() method with a number of point (or array of numbers) that needs to be highlighted at the moment of loading.
If you provide no arguments to the hover() function, all points of the series (a series itself) will be hovered, no matter which interactivity type you use.
Change the hovering mode in playground and see the difference.
// setting some points hovered for the series
series_1.hover([4, 6, 12, 16]);
series_2.hover([0, 1, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20]);
If you need to unhover a number of points automatically in some case, use unhover() method. You can define the points you'd like to unhover or leave the method with no parameters - this will unhover all points of the series.
chart.title().listen("mouseOut", function(){
series_2.unhover([0, 1, 5, 16, 17]);
There might be some points which you'd like to be selected by default or adjust the selecting feature according to your needs. The method select() works here (similar to hover()).
// making series_1 and some points of series_2 selected
series_2.select([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20]);
The same as with hovering action, just define an array with the numbers and you'll get a couple of points selected at the beginning.
Note that if there is no arguments for the select() function, the continuous series will be selected, but not the discrete one.
If you need the whole series being selected as the chart is created, don't define the arguments at all. Try to do that in playground and see what difference it makes.
Some of our html5 charts might have something specific about their series - for example, maps or OHLC charts. Those components and charts have special setting for selections.
We can adjust the color of selection using the selectFill (or selectHatchFill for monochromatic), the selection stroke color - selectStroke().
Let's change the selection settings for the box chart.
// change the selected points look
series.selectHatchFill("soliddiamond", "#FFF", 1, 5);
OHLC charts have special settings such as risingStroke(), selectRisingStroke() or hoverFallingStroke(). You can find more in API Reference.
// change the selected regions color to the dark violet from the default
// enabling the selection
If you want to disable the selection ability, use "none" as the selectionMode() argument.
To unselect the points without preventing the selection ability use unselect() method. As well as in the situation with unhovering, you can define the points or set no parameters to the method. Try to use it in our playground.
Single Point
Along with hovering and selecting of a number of points you can manage the current state of a single point. Use getPoint() method to get a point of a series. Pass point's index as a parameter for this method.
// set series data
var series = chart.column(data);
// get fourth point of the series
var point = series.getPoint(3);
After you have defined the getter for the series point you can adjust point's state and change some point's properties. Let's make a single series chart a bit more colorful and set custom color for each point of the series:
// set series data
var series = chart.column([
{x:"John", value: 10000},
{x:"Jake", value: 12000},
{x:"Peter", value: 18000},
{x:"James", value: 11000},
{x:"Mary", value: 9000}
// create getter for AnyChart palette
var palette = anychart.palettes.distinctColors();
// create a loop for coloring every series point
for (var i=0; series.getPoint(i).exists();i++){
// define "fill" property for each series point
series.getPoint(i).set("fill", palette.itemAt(i));
As you can see, we have created a column series, variable for default AnyChart palette using distinctColors() method and set a color for each point depending on point's index. Moreover, the for loop uses exists() method to check, whether the point exists or not. Custom color for a point is applied using set() method.
Previous sample demonstrates how to change a single point's appearance. Using getPoint(), we also can make a point hovered or selected through the hovered() or selected() methods accordingly.
var point = series.getPoint(3);
Next sample uses chart's legend to trigger changes of a point. When we hover an item in a legend, the corresponding point in a series becomes hovered too, and vice versa. The same is with selecting points.
Note: The sample above uses several event listeners. More information on AnyChart events can be found in Event Listeners article. Information about legend is contained in the Legend article.
Rectangle Marquee Select
Use the startSelectMarquee and cancelMarquee methods to work with rectangle marqee select.
Use the {api:anychart.core.Chart#selectMarqueeFill}{api} and {api:anychart.core.Chart#selectMarqueeStroke}{api} methods to configure marqee appearance.
Handle SELECT_MARQUEE_START, SELECT_MARQUEE_CHANGE and SELECT_MARQUEE_FINISH events inMarquee property to track marquee progress.
Use the startZoomMarquee() along with zoomMarqueeStroke() and zoomMarqueeFill() methods to work with marquee zoom in Stock charts.
Single Series Chart
As you know, AnyChart supports quite a variety of chart types. Some of them are single series charts, such as pie chart, funnel chart or pyramid chart. Managing their points is much easier than managing a number of points in a series. Use getPoint() as a chart method to get the point you need:
// set chart data
var chart = funnel(data);
// get point #4
var point = chart.getPoint(3);
The way of managing chart's points is pretty much the same as the one in single point section. Use hovered() and selected() methods to adjust current state of any point. The set() method allows you to change or create any property (field) of a point.
var chart = anychart.funnel(data);
// get the sixth point of the funnel chart
var point = chart.getPoint(5);
// set red inner color for the point
point.set("fill", "red");
Below there is a sample of a funnel chart. This chart shows sales proccess and each point corresponds to a certain stage. Using getPoint() method we have colored each point separately according to the value of the point before it. Hover a point to see the tooltip that contains information on the difference. Information on getting value from custom points' field can be found in Text Formatters article.
Handling chart events
In some cases you might need a custom chart reaction on some user's actions which cannot be set simply using the methods described above. That's where listeners may help.
You can add a listener to any chart element, forcing it to react in some way. For example, you can make the chart body to listen to clicks and add a random point on each click; or you can tell the chart to listen to selects and uncolor all other elements when one is selected and color them back when the item gets unselected. It's possible to set some other custom interactivity using event listeners.
You can find more about listeners here.
Note: Points of a pie chart can't be selected. Use exploded() method to adjust current state of pie's slice.
Navigating by URL
Let's look at the typical situation when we might need the listeners. We add a listener of double clicks to the series, which will navigate us to the pre-defined URL.
Explore the code of this sample in the playground.
To create a drilldown chart you just need to decide which event you want chart to react to and then made the changes in the data accordingly.
Here is a sample of a basic drill down chart where the new data is loaded into a chart when a column is clicked and goes back to initial state when click happens on drilled down data:
The next drilldown chart works with multiselect, in this sample the series are added and removed depending on selection made on the left chart:
Check out some other drilldown samples in the gallery:
- Dashboard with the US Map and Multiselect
- World Temperature Map
- Wine Sales in Australia
- Software Sales Dashboard
- ACME Corp. Sales Dashboard
Creating Custom Tooltip
There is one more thing you can do with the interactivity of our charts: you can create some elements from "outside" of the main chart code using JavaScript. In the next sample we have created a custom tooltip with no usage of AnyChart tooltips but only through jQuery.
Chart as Tooltip
Custom tooltips can be more complicated than the one above. Tooltips may contain any number of elements and even other charts. You can find a sample of a chart as a tooltip below. Launch the sample in the playground to examine the code. As far as creating custom tooltip implies working with event listeners, this code might look a bit complex. Study Event Listeners article to get information on management of mouse events.
Note: you can find more information about AnyChart tooltips here.
Interactivity Settings in Data Sets
Now, let's look at our dataSets. If you have explored our samples in the playground, you may remember that in a couple of samples we added not only values but sometimes colors or url's, and mapped those accordingly. In this paragraph, we're going to shed some light on using dataSet values for defining interactivity parameters.
Look at the following sample.
Here we have defined all interactivity colors (selection and hovering fills) through the dataSet of the chart. That's how it looks like in the code:
// data
var data = anychart.data.set([
["John", 10000, 12000, "#ccc", "#FF9900", "diamond"],
["Jake", 12000, 15000, "#ccc", "#FF9900", "backwarddiagonal"],
["Peter", 18000, 16000, "#ccc", "#FF9900", "diamond"],
["James", 11000, 13000, "#ccc", "#FF9900", "diamond"],
["Mary", 9000, 19000, "#ccc", "#FF9900", "diamond"]
// map data for each series
var Sales2003 = data.mapAs({x: [0], value: [1], hoverFill: [3], selectFill: [4]});
var Sales2004 = data.mapAs({x: [0], value: [2], hoverFill: [3], selectHatchFill: [5]});
So, when you need or want to use our dataSet to set the series interactive behaviour, all you need is to map the parameters properly afterwards.
Another way of defining interactivity through the dataSet is setting the data as objects, like in the following:
// data
var data = anychart.data.set([
{x:1, value:990, selectFill:"Red"},
{x:2, value:1100, selected:true, selectFill:"Blue"},
{x:3, value:1050, selectFill:"Red"},
{x:4, value:890, selectFill:"Red"},
{x:5, value:1300, selected:true, selectFill:"Red"},
{x:6, value:840, selected:true, selectFill:"Green"},
{x:7, value:900, selectFill:"Red"},
{x:8, value:1000, selectFill:"Red"}