Tree Data is a way of implementing hierarchical structures with parent/child relations.
Tree Data Structure is crucial for AnyGantt: AnyChart Gantt Charts and Treemap Charts.
In this sample we will use standalone Datagrid to show how to work with tree data. AnyChart charting library accepts two methods of setting data tree: through table and through tree. The code below demonstrates setting the same data through both methods. You can also use CSV, which is similar to table in terms of structure, but set differently, see Gantt: Getting Data from JSON, XML or CSV to learn more.
// Data set through tree method
var treeType = anychart.data.tree(
// section with raw data in a tree format
{name: 'Node 1'},
{name: 'Parent Node', children:[
{name: 'Child Node 1'},
{name: 'Child Node 2'},
{name: 'Node 2'}
anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TREE // data type settings
// Data set through table method
var treeType = anychart.data.tree(
// section with raw data in a table format
{name: 'Node 1', id: 1},
{name: 'Parent Node', id: 2},
{name: 'Child Node 1', parent: 2, id: 3},
{name: 'Child Node 2', parent: 2, id: 4},
{name: 'Node 2', id: 5}
anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TABLE // data type settings
Here is a sample with the result of processing data from the code above.
Data Manipulation
Data Manipulation includes CRUD operations, such as:
- Updating - you can change the values of the existing points,
- Adding - you can add one or several points between the existing points,
- Removing - you can remove any point from a data set,
- Searching - you can look for a certain element in a tree basing on some criteria,
- Cycling (Traversing) - you can go through all the elements of the tree.
These operations can be performed on root elements as well as on children of a node.
Note: Create, Read, Update and Delete operations for non-tree data is described in Data Manipulation article.
You can add some data as a tree using several methods. Sample below demonstrates adding a child into data grid on a button click.
Adding a child is quite a useful method of adjusting data in real time and visualizing actual processes. Nevertheless, adding only one child at a time may appear to be ineffective for managing data. Transferring prepared data with predefined hierarchy is an advanced way of managing data in a tree. You need the data type and the data itself to use the addData() method.
// data to add
var newData = [
{name: 'new Node 1', id: '6'},
{name: 'new Parent Node', id: '7'},
{name: 'new Node 3', id: '8'},
{name: 'new Child Node', parent: 7, id: '9'}
// adding data
newData, // data
anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TABLE // data type
You can see how it works on the sample below.
Data tree item may have an unlimited number of data fields thus it requires methods for reading data from any field and item search through field value. The get() method gets a value of a specified field of an item. The sample below demonstrates data grid with custom columns. Each column reads data from custom fields of data grid ("year 2004", "year 2005"). The code below shows how to use this method.
// get the value in a field "year2004" of an item
return item.get('year2004');
Every node in a data tree may be updated. The node should be obtained to proceed with data adjustment. Here is how you can add 1000 to a value of the third node:
// this part of a code is responsible for increasing the value of the third field "Value"
function addValue() {
tree.getChildAt(2).set("value", tree.getChildAt(2).get("value") + 1000);
As far as we can add data, we can remove it too. Use removeChild() method to delete an item from data set.
tree.removeChildAt(0); // remove first element in data tree
The sample below demonstrates removing first element from the data tree.
When you work with tree data sets you may need to look for an element of the tree to navigate or highlight, or use other CRUD operations. There are two methods for this: search() and searchItems().
Here is a sample of using search() method with Treemap Chart and its drillTo() method:
// locate an item in a tree data and get it as an object
// that can be used in drillTo method
var item = treeData.search("id", "Finland");
// Drill down to the specified item.
Traversing (or cycling through) the tree is the way to go through all the elements of the tree, AnyChart makes it easier with getTraverser() method that obtains an instance of Traverser object, which has everything you need to go over the tree in an efficient way.
In the next sample traverser is used to go through the tree and drill to each element one by one, when cycle is done - traverser is reset and you can go again.