Waterfall Chart


A waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. The waterfall chart is also known as a flying bricks chart or Mario chart due to the apparent suspension of columns (bricks) in mid-air.

Quick Start

To create a Waterfall chart use waterfall() method, you can pass the data right into the constructor:

var data = [
    {x: 'Start', value: 23},
    {x: 'Jan', value: 22},
    {x: 'Feb', value: -46},
    {x: 'Mar', value: -91},
    {x: 'Apr', value: 37},
    {x: 'May', value: -21},
    {x: 'Jun', value: 53},
    {x: 'Jul', value: 31},
    {x: 'Aug', value: -15},
    {x: 'Sep', value: 42},
    {x: 'Oct', value: 53},
    {x: 'Nov', value: -15},
    {x: 'Dec', value: 51},
    {x: 'End', isTotal: true}

// create waterfall chart with our data
chart = anychart.waterfall(data);

// set data mode

// set container id for the chart
// initiate chart drawing

Here is a basic Waterfall chart in "diff" dataMode:


Here is a basic Waterfall chart in "absolute" dataMode:



You can find a lot of samples of Waterfall charts in AnyChart Waterfall Charts Gallery

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