Map Visualisation


In some cases you might need to color a region (or a number of regions) specifically, or stroke it, or make it noticeable in some way. Also, it looks nice when a region is highlighted when hovered. Sometimes you don't need to use a colorScale, but you've got different series on a map which you'd like to color differently.

This article will help you to understand how to work with colors and palettes which can help you to make your map more attractive.

Coloring the Map regions

There are three slightly different situations when you might need to adjust colors for the map without the Color Scale. First is when you've got a simple uncolored Map and you don't want or don't need to use a colorScale; second is when you want to set the colors for highlighting an only point (region) or a series; in the third case you might want to define colors for the selected regions.

Let's consider those situations.

Normal points and series

You might have defined a number of series for some reason. As you don't use the colorScale, it's possible to color the map the same as series of basic charts: use simple fill() method.

// set the color for the regions of the first series

// set the color for the regions of the second series


In this sample we've got the map of Australia, where its regions are defined in two different series which are then colored separately, independent from its values.

You can also change the color of labels and the title color.

Also, there is nothing different from our basic charts if you want to use the dataset for defining the region's colors:


In this case, your dataSet will look like following:

var firstDataSet =[
    {id: "AU.CT", value: 15, title: "Australian Capital Territory", fill:'#33CC33'},
    {id: "AU.VI", value: 23, title: "Victoria", fill:'#33CC33'},
    {id: "AU.NT", value: 64, title: "Northern Territory", fill:'#99FF66'},
    {id: "AU.TS", value: 28, title: "Tasmania", fill:'#99FF33'},
    {id: "AU.SA", value: 45, title: "South Australian", fill:'#FFFF66'}

var secondDataSet =[
    {id: "AU.WA", value: 86, title: "Western Australia", fill:'#99CC00'},
    {id: "AU.QL", value: 16, title: "Queensland", fill:'#CCCC00'},
    {id: "AU.NS", value: 32, title: "New South Wales", fill:'#FFCC66'}

Note that if you paint each region a unique color through the dataSet, there's no matter if you've got an only series or multiple.

Hovered points and series

By default there's no color for the hovered points but the settings, which make the hovered regions change its color to more pale shade. However, if you wish to have another hovering settings, look through the next example.

// set the color for the hovered regions of the first series

// set the image for the hovered regions of the second series
    src: "",
    mode: "stretch",
    opacity: 0.3


We use a simple hoverFill() method for changing the default color of hovered regions.

As you might have noticed, we've used an image as a hoverFill. So it's not necessary to fill the points only with colors.

The same as in the paragraph about normal points and series, you still can use the dataSet for setting the colors you want the hovered region to be.

Selected points and series

Finally, it's possible to change the default selecting color. Use selectFill() for that.

// set the color for the selections of the first series

// set the color for the selections of the second series


Note that it's possible to select several regions at once. Hold Shift key and click on those regions.


Apply palette to all series in a map

There are four ways of coloring the map series using palettes.

Using array

You may define the colors you want to use in your map as an array using {api}palette(){api} method.

// set the palette
australiaMap.palette(["#FFEB3B", "#FFC107"]);


Note that you should define as many colors as there are regions you've got on the map, i.e. each color refers to one series.

Using RangeColors

For using rangeColors you should create a new palette and set colors and number of them to it. Use method anychart.palettes.rangeColors() to create the palette.

// Creates palette
var myPalette = anychart.palettes.rangeColors();
myPalette.colors(["#B2DFDB", "#00796B"]);

// Sets palette.


As you may notice, it works almost the same as in the previous case, just the defining type is different.

Using DistinctColors

The difference between this coloring option and previous ones is fully independence of regions' colors. You might want one series to be colored with a gradient and another one with a plain color, and the DistinctColors method is able to do that.

// Creates palette
var myPalette = anychart.palettes.distinctColors();
    ["#DCEDC8", "#689F38"],

// Sets palette


This way of coloring is not possible using other palette types.


Besides those mentioned options, you may use scale to color the Map with multiple series. The usage of LinearColorScale is almost the same in this case as with ColorRange. However, put your attention at the fact that here is a Map with multiple series apart from Map with one range-colored series that you can find in the ColorRange article. So the way of using the LinearColor method is a bit different.

// map the data of two dataSets
var firstDataSetForSeries = firstDataSet.mapAs({id: "id"});
var secondDataSetForSeries = secondDataSet.mapAs({id: "id"});

// create the color scale
var currentColorScale = anychart.scales.linearColor();

// colors setting
currentColorScale.colors(["#BDBDBD", "#424242"]);

// create the first series
var firstSeries = australiaMap.choropleth(firstDataSetForSeries);

// create the second series
var secondSeries = australiaMap.choropleth(secondDataSetForSeries);

// define the colorscale for both series 


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