Settings from Data


AnyChart js charting framework allows you to apply different visualization settings to a single point. It means that you can customize the point view explicitly from the data set. Let's consider how it works on a sample of JavaScript Bar Chart.

As you know you can use a data set to create charts with the following code:

//create data set
var data = [
  {x: 'Department Stores', value: 737166},
  {x: 'Discount Stores', value: 537166},
  {x: 'Men\'s/Women\'s Specialty Stores', value: 188662},
  {x: 'Juvenile Specialty Stores', value: 178662},
  {x: 'All other outlets', value: 89000}

//create bar chart
var chart = anychart.barChart();
var series =;

And the chart will look this way:


Visual appearance of bars is defined using these settings:

var series =;
    .fill('#6698FF .6')
        .hoverStroke("#0000A0", 4)
        .stroke('#56561a', 4)
        .hatchFill('diagonalbrick', '#348781')
        .hoverHatchFill('diagonalbrick', '#0000A0')

If you want to configure tooltips for all series - you should use tooltip() methods, labels() method configures series labels. Adding attributes with values to these methods, you can change visual appearance, position and format of the same-named elements.

tooltips = series.tooltip();
ttTitle = tooltips.title().enabled(true);

Look at the demonstration of these settings in the Single-Series Bar Chart sample:


As you can see, the settings are applied to all point in series, but sometimes it is necessary to highlight a specific point using a custom view. To make it you can define the point settings directly in a data set:

var data = [
  {x: 'Department Stores', value: 737166, fill:{color: 'red', opacity: '.5'}},
  {x: 'Discount Stores', value: 537166},
  {x: 'Men\'s/Women\'s Specialty Stores', value: 188662},
  {x: 'Juvenile Specialty Stores', value: 178662},
  {x: 'All other outlets', value: 89000}

Using this way you can redefine all visualization parameters that are available for this type of chart:

var data = [
  {x: 'Department Stores', value: 737166, fill:{color: 'red', opacity: '.7'}, hatchFill:{hatchType:'diagonalbrick',color: 'gray'}, marker:{type:'star5', fill:'gold', size: 12, enabled: true}, hoverMarker: {size: 22}},
  {x: 'Discount Stores', value: 537166},
  {x: 'Men\'s/Women\'s Specialty Stores', value: 188662},
  {x: 'Juvenile Specialty Stores', value: 178662},
  {x: 'All other outlets', value: 89000}


It was a simple demonstration of this feature, we've created the sample below to illustrate more opportunities:


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