Accessibility (508 Section)

What is Section 508

The Web unites millions of people all over the world. Some web users are part-disabled, they can't use some electronic devices, e.g. mouse, keyboards, etc. When a visually-impaired users use the Internet, the best option is to use a screen reader which reads the page content and makes it understandable to such persons.

International accessibility standards are invented to make technology and the Internet available to all users, regardless of disability status. Using these standards is a way to provide such people more opportunities. AnyChart supports these standards.

You can find a lot of information about section 508 at

There are several methods AnyChart supports that make charts accessible. The main idea is in creating special tags (ARIA tags) in SVG structure of a chart or a map. These tags help screen readers to make the chart content readable and pronounce it correctly, it helps disabled people to understand the information on charts and maps.

Why a11y

Accessibility is often abbreviated as the numeronym a11y, where the number 11 refers to the number of letters omitted. This parallels the abbreviations of internationalization and localization as i18n and l10n respectively and follows an Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-oriented convention, which is used widely in the software community.


The accessibility support is enabled by default. It means that you don't need to enable accessibility unless you've turned it off. Switching the accessibility support off will lead to the absence of both ARIA-tags and ARIA-labels in the SVG structure, so the information available to a screen reader will be barely understandable.

The default Accessibility mode is "Chart Elements", which means a user interacts with a chart and its elements, using a keyboard to navigate between them. If you change the mode to the "Data Table", an invisible readable table with the chart data will be generated. In this case, an interaction between a user and a chart will be performed through this table, which cells represent the data points of the chart.


To make a chart accessible for everyone, we need to enable the a11y() method of the chart or series, which means "accessibility". Accessibility support is enabled by default, but in case you have switched it off and need to enable it back again, use enable().

// enable the accessibility of the chart

The code above can be shortened to:

// enable the accessibility of the chart

Accessibility support for series is separated from the chart's accessibility. To enable it for series, use the same method for them:

// enable the accessibility support for series


Accessible Elements

Before we go into to some specific settings of accessibility, let's configure chart elements. We need to set the chart title and series titles using the a11y() method to make them readable by VoiceOver. Let's use the titleFormat() method for both chart and series.

// set the titleFormat for the chart
  var chart = this.chart;
  return "Data Plot Y Sum is " + chart.getStat("dataPlotYSum") + "\n" +
              "First Series Y minimum is " + chart.getSeries(0).getStat("seriesYMin") + "\n" +
              "First Series Y maximum is " + chart.getSeries(0).getStat("seriesYMax");

// set the titleFormat for the series
  var series = this.series;
  return "This series named " + + " has its maximum value in $" + series.getStat("seriesYMax") + ", the average in $" +  series.getStat("average") + " and minimum value in $" + series.getStat("seriesYMin");


Accessibility Modes

AnyChart supports two accessibility modes: representing the chart/series elements as chart elements or as elements of a table. Choose the one you prefer and use the mode() method to set it. Two following samples demonstrate both modes and the difference between them.

Chart Elements Mode

The "chartElements" mode is enabled by default. In this mode, a user interacts with elements of a chart. The chart title, created by titleFormat() or by title() methods, is transformed into an ARIA tag of the corresponding SVG element.

// set the accessibility mode as chart elements


Note that setting the mode to the chart does not affect the series.

Data Table Mode

In this mode, an invisible table with chart data is generated. This table contains the chart title (taken from titleFormat() or from title() methods) as the table's head, and all information shown on the chart is transformed into a table structure, and the VoiceOver reads it appropriately.

// set the accessibility mode as table data


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