Surface Chart
Surface plots are diagrams of three-dimensional data. Rather than showing the individual data points, surface plots show a functional relationship between a designated dependent variable (Y), and two independent variables (X and Z). See Surface Chart article to learn more.
Basic 3D Charts
AnyChart supports 3D versions of the following basic chart types: Area, Bar, Column, Line. These charts are "pseudo 3D" which means they are three dimensional only for the purposes of chart decoration and embelishement. Please see Basic 3D Charts to learn more.
3D Pie and Doughnut
AnyChart supports 3D versions of the following basic chart types: Area, Bar, Column, Line. These charts are "pseudo 3D" which means they are three dimensional only for the purposes of chart decoration and embelishement. Please see 3D Pie Chart and 3D Doughnut Chart to learn more.