

The Ellipse annotation allows you to add an ellipse or a circle to a chart.

This article explains how to add an Ellipse and configure its basic and visual settings. You can find more settings and other useful information in the articles describing annotations in general:

Basic Settings

To add an Ellipse annotation to a chart, call the ellipse() method of the annotations() object.

Next, use the xAnchor(), valueAnchor(), secondXAnchor(), and secondValueAnchor() methods to set 2 points that determine the position of the ellipse. Usually, the most convenient way to do this is object notation:

// create a stock chart
chart = anychart.stock();

// create a plot on the chart
var plot = chart.plot(0);

// access the annotations() object of the plot to work with annotations
var controller = plot.annotations();

// create an Ellipse annotation
    xAnchor: "2006-11-20",
    valueAnchor: 25.92,
    secondXAnchor: "2008-08-10",
    secondValueAnchor: 24.91,

This is how it looks like:



The appearance settings of an Ellipse annotation can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Use the following methods:

Combine them with these methods:

You can also use object notation to specify the settings.

In the sample below, there are two Ellipse annotations with some of the visual settings configured (by using an object in the first case and methods in the second):

// create the first Ellipse annotation and configure its visual settings
var ellipse1 = controller.ellipse({
    xAnchor: "2006-11-20",
    valueAnchor: 25.92,
    secondXAnchor: "2007-02-24",
    secondValueAnchor: 31.92,
    hovered: {
        fill: "#398cae 0.3",
        stroke: "2 #ff0000"
    selected: {
        fill: "#398cae 0.3",
        hatchFill: "forward-diagonal",
        stroke: "4 #ff0000"

// create the second Ellipse annotation
var ellipse2 = controller.ellipse();

// set the position of the second annotation
// configure the visual settings of the second annotation
ellipse2.normal().stroke("#006600", 1, "10 2");
ellipse2.hovered().stroke("#00b300", 2, "10 2");
ellipse2.selected().stroke("#00b300", 4, "10 2");
