Calendar Chart
A calendar chart is a visualization that shows activity over the course of a long span of time. It displays all the days of the year (or years), which are colored according to values assigned to them.
This article explains how to create a basic Calendar chart in AnyChart as well as configure settings that are specific to the type. You can also see the table below to get a brief overview of the Calendar chart's characteristics:
Modules | Core + Calendar |
API | |
Class | anychart.charts.Calendar |
DATA | |
Data Fields | x, value |
Multiple Series | N/A |
Stacked | N/A |
Vertical | N/A |
3D | N/A |
Error Bars | N/A |
Polar | N/A |
Radar | N/A |
Scatter | N/A |
Stock | N/A |
Heat Map | |
Treemap | |
Chartopedia: Calendar Chart | |
General Settings |
The Calendar chart requires adding the Core and Calendar modules:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Learn more: Modules.
Quick Start
To create a Calendar chart, use the anychart.calendar() chart constructor, like in the following sample:
// create data
var data = [
{x: "2020-01-12", value: "6"},
{x: "2020-01-15", value: "2"},
{x: "2020-01-18", value: "2"},
{x: "2020-01-19", value: "5"},
{x: "2020-02-03", value: "1"},
{x: "2020-02-19", value: "9"},
{x: "2020-03-19", value: "2"}
// create a chart and set the data
chart = anychart.calendar(data);
// set the container id
// initiate drawing the chart
General Settings
In AnyChart there are many settings that are configured in the same way for all chart types, including the Calendar chart (for example, legend and interactivity settings).
Read the overview of general settings: General Settings.
Special Settings
Data for a Calendar chart can be passed to the chart constructor or to the data() method.
Use the following data fields:
to set dates (days)value
to set values
Note: It is possible to add custom fields to your data - see the Tooltips section of this article.
This is how working with data fields of the Calendar chart looks like:
// create data
var data = [
{x: "2020-01-12", value: "6"},
{x: "2020-01-15", value: "2"},
{x: "2020-01-18", value: "2"},
{x: "2020-01-19", value: "5"},
{x: "2020-02-03", value: "1"},
{x: "2020-02-19", value: "9"},
{x: "2020-03-19", value: "2"},
{x: "2020-04-13", value: "3"},
{x: "2020-04-15", value: "3"},
{x: "2020-04-20", value: "4"},
{x: "2020-04-21", value: "1"},
{x: "2020-05-10", value: "3"},
{x: "2020-05-11", value: "1"},
{x: "2020-05-14", value: "1"},
{x: "2021-01-12", value: "2"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.calendar(data);
The Calendar chart displays all the days of the year (or years). While some of them are specified in data with values assigned to them, others may be not. These two type of days are colored different colors and have different appearance settings.
The appearance settings of days with values can be configured in two states: normal and hover. Use the normal() and hovered() methods.
Combine them with the following methods:
- fill() to set the fill
- hatchFill() to set the hatch fill
- stroke() to set the stroke
To set the appearance of days with no values, use these methods:
- noDataFill() to set the fill
- noDataHatchFill() to set the hatch fill
- noDataStroke() to set the stroke
Also, you can set the spacing between days with the help of the spacing() method. This setting is applied to all the days of the year.
In the sample below, there is a Calendar chart with days configured:
// configure days
var days = chart.days();
To configure weeks, use the following methods:
- showWeekends() to hide or show weekends
- labels() to set the font of week labels
- rightSpace() to set the gap between week labels and the main part of the chart
This is how they work:
// configure weeks
var weeks = chart.weeks();
The Calendar chart displays all the days and months of the year (or years). While some of the months contain days that are specified in data with values assigned to them, others may not. These two types of months have separate stroke settings. There are also other settings that are applied to all the months.
To configure months, use these methods:
- stroke() to set the stroke of months containing days with values
- noDataStroke() to set the stroke of months containing only days with no values
- labels() to set the font of month labels
- underSpace() to set the gap between month labels and the main part of the chart
Here is a Calendar chart with months configured:
// configure months
var months = chart.months();
months.stroke("#0767b1", 2);
To configure years, use the following methods:
- inverted() to invert the order of years
- background() to set the background
- title() to set the title
- underSpace() to set the gap between years
The sample below shows how the work:
// configure years
years = chart.years();
Color Scale
By default, the color scale of a Calendar chart is linear, and the color range is enabled. You can customize the linear scale, create an ordinal scale, and disable the color range.
To customize the linear color scale, you should create it explicitly by using the linearColor() constructor.
Combine it with colors() to set two colors, the first one indicating 0, and the second one indicating the maximum value. Days are colored automatically in different mixtures of these two colors, and if you do not specify them, the default colors of the linear color scale are used.
To set your color scale as the color scale of the chart, use the colorScale() method.
Optionally, you can use colorRange() to configure the color range - a special element representing the color scale. With the linear color scale, the color range looks like a gradient from the first to the second color. You can find the available settings here: anychart.core.ui.ColorRange.
The following sample shows a Calendar chart with a linear color scale and a color range:
// create and configure a color scale.
var customColorScale = anychart.scales.linearColor();
customColorScale.colors(["#ffcc00", "#00ccff"]);
// set the color scale as the color scale of the chart
// configure the color range
To create an ordinal color scale, use the ordinalColor() constructor.
Then call ranges() to set value ranges (two or more) you want to be marked by different colors. You can set a color for each of these ranges by using the colors() method. Please note that if you do not specify colors and ranges, the default settings of the ordinal color scale are used.
Finally, call colorScale() to set your scale as the color scale of the chart.
Optionally, you can use colorRange() to configure the color range - a special interactive element representing the color scale. With the ordinal color scale, it shows the ranges and their colors. You can find the available settings here: anychart.core.ui.ColorRange.
In this sample, there is a Calendar chart with an ordinal color scale and a color range:
// create and configure a color scale.
var customColorScale = anychart.scales.ordinalColor();
{less: 3},
{from: 4, to: 6},
{greater: 7},
customColorScale.colors(["lightgray", "#ffcc00", "#00ccff"]);
// set the color scale as the color scale of the chart
// configure the color range
A Tooltip is a text box displayed when a point on a chart is hovered over. There is a number of visual and other settings available: for example, you can edit the text by using font settings and text formatters, change the style of background, adjust the position of a tooltip, and so on.
To change the text of tooltips, combine the tooltip() and format() methods with tokens.
Here is the list of tokens that work with the Calendar chart:
Also, you can always add a custom field to your data and use a custom token corresponding to it.
This sample shows how to work with tokens:
// create data
var data = [
{x: "2020-01-12", value: "6", custom_field: "info 1" },
{x: "2020-01-15", value: "2", custom_field: "info 2" },
{x: "2020-01-18", value: "2", custom_field: "info 3" },
{x: "2020-01-19", value: "5", custom_field: "info 4" },
{x: "2020-02-03", value: "1", custom_field: "info 5" },
{x: "2020-02-19", value: "9", custom_field: "info 6" },
{x: "2020-03-19", value: "2", custom_field: "info 7" },
{x: "2020-04-13", value: "3", custom_field: "info 8" },
{x: "2020-04-15", value: "3", custom_field: "info 9" },
{x: "2020-04-20", value: "4", custom_field: "info 10"},
{x: "2020-04-21", value: "1", custom_field: "info 11"},
{x: "2020-05-10", value: "3", custom_field: "info 12"},
{x: "2020-05-11", value: "1", custom_field: "info 13"},
{x: "2020-05-14", value: "1", custom_field: "info 14"},
{x: "2021-01-12", value: "2", custom_field: "info 15"}
// create a chart and set the data
chart = anychart.calendar(data);
// configure tooltips
"contributions: {%value}\n\n{%custom_field}"
Formatting Functions
To configure tooltips, you can use formatting functions and the following fields:
You can also add a custom field to your data and refer to it by using the getData() method.
The sample below demonstrates how to work with formatting functions:
// create data
var data = [
{x: "2020-01-12", value: "6", custom_field: "info 1" },
{x: "2020-01-15", value: "2", custom_field: "info 2" },
{x: "2020-01-18", value: "2", custom_field: "info 3" },
{x: "2020-01-19", value: "5", custom_field: "info 4" },
{x: "2020-02-03", value: "1", custom_field: "info 5" },
{x: "2020-02-19", value: "9", custom_field: "info 6" },
{x: "2020-03-19", value: "2", custom_field: "info 7" },
{x: "2020-04-13", value: "3", custom_field: "info 8" },
{x: "2020-04-15", value: "3", custom_field: "info 9" },
{x: "2020-04-20", value: "4", custom_field: "info 10"},
{x: "2020-04-21", value: "1", custom_field: "info 11"},
{x: "2020-05-10", value: "3", custom_field: "info 12"},
{x: "2020-05-11", value: "1", custom_field: "info 13"},
{x: "2020-05-14", value: "1", custom_field: "info 14"},
{x: "2021-01-12", value: "2", custom_field: "info 15"}
// create a chart and set the data
chart = anychart.calendar(data);
// configure tooltips
chart.tooltip().format(function() {
var value = this.value;
if (value < 4)
return "Low (" + value + ")\n\n" +
if (value < 7)
return "Medium (" + value + ")\n\n" +
if (value >= 7)
return "High (" + value + ")\n\n" +