Parsing HTML Table


Parsing HTML tables feature allows you to load data from HTML table into AnyChart, it is provided by the parseHtmlTable() method. This method is a part of Data Adapter script and this script has to be plugged to make this method available:

<!-- Include the data adapter -->
<script src=""></script>

Data Adapter allows to parse both tables created with <table> tag and with a help of CSS. Please see samples and description below.

Table Tag Table

To load data from a table created with <table> tag you need to use the parseHtmlTable() method and table should have the following format: <thead> is considered as series names, the first column is considered to be an argument, and all other columns are considered to be series, <caption> tag is considered to be a chart title. Note: <thead> and <caption> are optional.

<table id="htmlTable" class="htmlTable">
  <caption>Exchange rates</caption>

Here is a sample code that will parse an HTML table shown above into format, which can be used to set data to charts:

// parse a table with 'htmlTable' id
var tableData ="#htmlTable");

To set the data obtained like that to a chart you need to use the {anychart.charts.Cartesian#data}data(){api} method:

// create a chart
var chart = anychart.column();

// parse a table with 'htmlTable' id
var tableData ="#htmlTable");

// set the data to a chart;

Here is a live sample:


CSS Table

To load data from a table created with CSS you need to use the parseHtmlTable() method and provide proper CSS selectors. For example, if the table is created in CSS like this:

<div class="table">
  <div class="heading">
    <div class="cell">
    <div class="cell">
      <p>ILS (₪)</p>
    <div class="cell">
      <p>CNY (¥)</p>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="cell">
    <div class="cell">
    <div class="cell">

Then you can load data from it like this, notice that you can dig into divs and obtain a proper element:

var tableData =".table", ".row", ".cell p", ".heading .cell p", ".title");

Here is a live sample:
