Series General Settings
- Overview
- Data
- Appearance Settings
- Markers
- Labels
- Tooltips
- Legend
- Axes and Scales
- Point Size
- Interactivity
- Events
- Vertical Charts
- 3D Charts
- Categorized By Series
- Custom Drawing
In AnyChart, you always work with a series, no matter what chart type you create. It is the series type that determines what (and how) is drawn on a chart. Please note that it can be changed on-the-fly: Series Type.
Some series types can be shown on a chart simultaneously, and some cannot. There are chart types that can be only single-series and chart types that can be multiple-series. Some series can have both horizontal and vertical orientation. Some can be drawn in 3D.
However, despite all the differences, many settings are configured in the same way for all series types, and this article is a brief overview of such settings. There are also links to articles where each of the features is explained in more detail.
Methods of the anychart.core.SeriesBase class in our API are the alternative source of information about general settings.
To learn about the settings that are specific to a certain series type, see the article about that type. For example, to find out what appearance settings are available for the Area series, you should read the Area Chart article.
To learn how to prepare your data for using it in AnyChart, see this article: Working with Data.
Appearance Settings
AnyChart allows you to specify some visual settings of your chart: for example, the stroke and fill color, hatch fill pattern, and so on. All these settings can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Also, please note that the set of available options depends on the chart type.
You can find more information in the Appearance Settings and States aticles as well as articles about particular chart types.
In the sample below, there is an Area and two Line series with appearance settings (fill, hatch fill, stroke) configured in all states :
// create the first series (area)
var series1 = chart.area(seriesData_1);
// configure the visual settings of the first series
series1.normal().fill("#04b4ae", 0.3);
series1.hovered().fill("#04b4ae", 0.1);
series1.selected().fill("#04b4ae", 0.5);
series1.normal().hatchFill("zig-zag", "#808080", 1, 15);
series1.hovered().hatchFill("zig-zag", "#808080", 1, 15);
series1.selected().hatchFill("zig-zag", "#808080", 1, 15);
series1.hovered().stroke("#04b4ae", 2);
series1.selected().stroke("#04b4ae", 4);
// create the second series (line)
var series2 = chart.line(seriesData_2);
// configure the visual settings of the second series
series2.hovered().stroke("#04b404", 2);
series2.selected().stroke("#04b404", 4);
// create the third series (line)
var series3 = chart.line(seriesData_3);
// configure the visual settings of the third series
series3.normal().stroke("#aeb404", 1, "10 5", "round");
series3.hovered().stroke("#aeb404", 2, "10 5", "round");
series3.selected().stroke("#aeb404", 4, "10 5", "round");
Markers are special symbols that mark certain points on a series. As a rule, they are used to mark certain values on a series or to make series on a multiple-series chart more distinguishable.
All chart types allow configuring markers: both on a whole series and in individual points. Available settings include type, size, fill color, and others.
In the following sample, there are two Line series. On one of them you can see how markers look by default (they are visible only when they are hovered over or selected). On the other series a few custom settings are added:
// enable and configure markers on the first series
This sample shows how you can configure markers in individual points:
// create data, enable and configure markers
var data = [
{x: "January", value:10000},
{x: "February", value:12000, marker:{enabled:true, type:"star5", fill:"gold", size:10}},
{x: "March", value:13000, marker:{enabled:true, type:"star5", fill:"red", size:15}},
{x: "April", value:10000},
{x: "May", value:9000}
Labels are text or image elements that can be placed anywhere on any chart (you can enable them on a whole series or in individual points). For text labels, font settings and text formatters are available.
In the sample below, there is a Column chart with labels enabled on the whole series. Some font settings and a text formatter are applied:
// enable and configure labels on the series
The next sample shows how to configure labels in individual points:
// create data, enable and configure labels
var data = [
{x: "John", value:10000},
{x: "Jake", value:12000, label:{enabled:true, fontColor:"green", fontWeight:900, format:"${%value}"}},
{x: "Peter", value:13000, label:{enabled:true, fontColor:"red", fontWeight:900, format:"${%value}"}},
{x: "James", value:10000},
{x: "Mary", value:9000}
A tooltip is a text box displayed when a point on a chart is hovered over (in all charts tooltips are enabled by default, but it is possible to turn them off). There is a number of visual and other settings available: for example, you can edit the text by using font settings and text formatters, change the style of background, adjust the position of a tooltip, and so on. Also note that tooltips can be configured either on the whole chart or on each series of a multiple-series chart individually.
To learn more, see the Tooltip article.
In this sample, there is a Column chart with two series, and tooltips are configured on the whole chart, so they look the same on both series:
// configure tooltips on the chart
chart.tooltip().format("Manager: {%categoryName} \n{%seriesName}: ${%value}");
Here tooltips are configured on each series separately, and the tooltip text on the first series differs from that on the second one:
// configure tooltips on the first series
series1.tooltip().title("Last Year");
series1.tooltip().format("Manager: {%categoryName} \nSales: ${%value}");
// configure tooltips on the second series
series2.tooltip().title("This Year");
series2.tooltip().format("Manager: {%categoryName} \nSales: ${%value}");
A legend is a part of the chart that lists and explains its elements, making it easier to read and understand. The legend and its items are fully customizable: you can either modify any setting of the default legend or create a custom legend from scratch.
Most chart types require you to enable the legend manually. But there are some exceptions - for example, the following types: Pie, Doughnut, Funnel, Pyramid, Venn, Waterfall.
The source of legend items and their default behavior also depend on the chart type. As a rule, when you click on a legend item of a multiple-series chart, the series of the chart it represents is shown / hidden, and when you hover over an item, the hover state of the series is enabled. As for single-series chart types, their legend items represent points, and the behavior of the legend varies with the type.
For more information, read this section: Legend.
The following sample shows a multiple-series Column chart with a default legend enabled. As you can see, it displays names and colors of the series:
// enable the legend
Axes and Scales
In AnyChart axes are used to control grids, axes labels, lines, and tick marks. They depend on scales. There are a lot of settings that can be applied to axes and scales: for example, you can change the orientation of axes or invert them, set the minimum and maximum values of a scale and configure its ticks, and so on. All chart types allow you to add extra scales and axes and bind different series to different scales.
Learn more about axes and scales: Axes and Grids.
In the sample below, there is a multiple-series chart with a Column series bound to the default Y-axis, and a Line series bound to an additional Y-axis:
// configure the main y-scale
var yScale1 = anychart.scales.linear();
// configure an extra y-scale
var yScale2 = anychart.scales.linear();
// configure the main y-axis
var yAxis1 = chart.yAxis(0);
yAxis1.title("Sales, $");
// configure an extra y-axis
var yAxis2 = chart.yAxis(1);
yAxis2.title("Number of Items Sold");
// bind the first series to the main y-scale
// bind the second series to the extra y-scale
Stacked and percent stacked charts are multiple-series charts where related values are placed atop one another, which allows comparing the the contribution of a value to a total, either in absolute or percentage terms.
In AnyChart, you can create stacked and percent stacked charts of various types by enabling a special mode of the scale that makes series stack together: Stacked Charts.
Point Size
All charts with points looking like bars (Bar, Column, and related types) allow you to set the size of the points: the width, the maximum width, and the minimum length. Read more in the Point Size article.
By default, when a user hovers over a point, it is highlighted, and a tooltip is shown; clicking on a legend item usually hides / shows a series it represents, and so on.
You can change the default behavior of a chart or a series in AnyChart - see the Interactivity section to learn more.
To make your chart more interactive, you can listen to such events as clicking, moving the mouse over or off the chart or a chart point, and others.
See the Event Listeners to learn how to work with events.
In this sample, event listeners are used to change the chart title when a point is hovered over, selected, and double-clicked on. Also, when the user moves the mouse over and off the chart, the cursor style is customized.
// create an event listener for the mouseOver event
chart.listen("mouseOver", function(e){
// change the cursor style = "pointer";
// create an event listener for the mouseOut event
chart.listen("mouseOut", function(e){
// set the default cursor style = "auto";
// create an event listener for the pointsHover event
chart.listen("pointsHover", function(e){
// get the category the point belong to
var name = e.point.getStat("categoryName");
// change the chart title
// create an event listener for the pointsSelect event
chart.listen("pointsSelect", function(e){
// get the value of the point
var value = e.point.getStat("value");
// change the chart title
chart.title("$" + value);
// create an event listener for the pointDblClick event
chart.listen("pointDblClick", function(e){
// get the category the point belongs to
var name = e.point.getStat("categoryName");
// get the value of the point
var value = e.point.getStat("value");
// change the chart title
chart.title(name + ": $" + value);
Vertical Charts
Most types of series can be drawn both in horizontal and vertical orientation. To find out how to do it, and what series this feature works with, see the article about Vertical Charts.
3D Charts
Using AnyChart, you can create 3D versions of the following chart types: Area, Bar, Column, and Pie. Read more: 3D Charts.
Categorized By Series
There are two ways how AnyChart can distribute series on the axis with the ordinal scale. See Categorized By Series article to learn more.
Custom Drawing
It is possible to override the rendering function for most types of series. This remarkable feature allows you to create your own unique types of series and charts. For more information, see this article: Custom Drawing.