Box Chart


A box chart is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles. Box charts are useful when it is necessary to describe the values as they spread across the entire range. For example, to analyze salaries in a company, it is necessary to have more information than the sum of salaries for each salary grade. Even a measure of average salary would not be enough.

Box charts allow showing the minimum and maximum with a median (a numerical value separating the higher half of a data sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half) and quartiles, which helps to make the story more complete. But still, giving only the highest, the lowest, and the medium values does not tell the full story. So it is often useful to display the data in a way that reveals more about the distribution of values.

This article explains how to create a basic Box chart as well as configure settings that are specific to the type. You can also see the table below to get a brief overview of the Box chart's characteristics:

ModulesCore + Basic Cartesian / Base
Data Fieldsx, low, q1, median, q3, high, value, outliers
Multiple SeriesYES
VerticalVertical Box
Error BarsBox Chart with Error Bars
Chartopedia: Box Chart
General Settings


The Box chart requires adding the Core and Basic Cartesian modules:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Alternatively, you can use the Base module, which includes, among other things, the two modules mentioned above:

<script src=""></script>

Learn more: Modules.

Quick Start

To create a Box chart, use the chart constructor. If you pass the data to this chart constructor, it creates a Box series.

To create a Box series explicitly, call the box() method.

The following sample demonstrates how a basic Box chart is created:

// create data
var data = [
  {x: "1", low: 1000, q1: 1050, median: 1200, q3: 1800, high: 2000, outliers: [800, 2500, 3200]},
  {x: "2", low: 2500, q1: 3000, median: 3800, q3: 3900, high: 4000},
  {x: "3", low: 2000, q1: 2300, median: 2500, q3: 2900, high: 3000},
  {x: "4", low: 4000, q1: 5000, median: 6500, q3: 6500, high: 7000, outliers: [8930]},
  {x: "5", low: 8000, q1: 8400, median: 8500, q3: 8800, high: 9000, outliers: [6950, 3000]}

// create a chart
chart =;

// create a box series and set the data
series =;

// set the container id

// initiate drawing the chart


General Settings

In AnyChart there are many settings that are configured in the same way for all chart types, including the Area chart (for example, legend and interactivity settings).

Read the overview of general settings: General Settings.

Special Settings


All appearance settings of a Box chart can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Use the normal(), hovered(), and selected() methods.

These methods should be combined with the methods from anychart.core.StateSettings that are listed in the sections below. They allow you to adjust boxes, medians, outliers, stems, and whiskers.


To configure boxes, use the following methods:

In the sample below, there are two Box series with the appearance settings of their boxes configured:

// create the first series
series1 =;

// configure the visual settings of the first series
series1.normal().fill("#00cc99", 0.3);
series1.hovered().fill("#00cc99", 0.1);
series1.selected().fill("#00cc99", 0.5);
series1.normal().stroke("#00cc99", 1, "10 5", "round");
series1.hovered().stroke("#00cc99", 2, "10 5", "round");
series1.selected().stroke("#00cc99", 4, "10 5", "round");

// create the second series
series2 =;

// configure the visual settings of the second series
series2.normal().fill("#0066cc", 0.3);
series2.hovered().fill("#0066cc", 0.1);
series2.selected().fill("#0066cc", 0.5);
series2.normal().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
series2.hovered().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
series2.selected().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
series2.hovered().stroke("#0066cc", 2);
series2.selected().stroke("#0066cc", 4);



A median is a special line across a box.

To configure the stroke of medians, use the medianStroke() method:

// configure medians
series.normal().medianStroke("#dd2c00", 0.5, "10 5", "round");
series.hovered().medianStroke("#dd2c00", 1, "10 5", "round");
series.selected().medianStroke("#dd2c00", 2, "10 5", "round");



Not every box has outliers: they are optional values that belong to a category, but do not fit the range between the low and the high values.

You can adjust the appearance, type, and size of outliers by using the outlierMarkers() method:

// configure outliers
  {fill: "#dd2c00 0.3",
  stroke: {color: "#dd2c00", thickness: 0.5},
  size: 10,
  type: "star5"});
  {fill: "#dd2c00 0.1",
  stroke: {color: "#dd2c00", thickness: 1},
  size: 10,
  type: "star5"});
  {fill: "#dd2c00 0.5",
  stroke: {color: "#dd2c00", thickness: 2},
  size: 10,
  type: "star5"});

Note: These settings are configured in JSON format. Learn more about using JSON with AnyChart: Getting Data from JSON.



Stems are vertical sticks that go beyond boxes and show the difference between the low value and the first quartile and between the third quartile and the high value.

Use the stemStroke() method to configure the stroke of stems:

// configure stems
series.normal().stemStroke("#dd2c00", 0.5);
series.hovered().stemStroke("#dd2c00", 1);
series.selected().stemStroke("#dd2c00", 2);



Whiskers are horizontal line segments on the tops of stems. Call these methods to configure their width and stroke:

Note: By default the width is 0.

This is how it looks like:

// configure whiskers
series.normal().whiskerStroke("#dd2c00", 0.5);
series.hovered().whiskerStroke("#dd2c00", 1);
series.selected().whiskerStroke("#dd2c00", 2);


Individual Points

If you use object notation to set the data, you can configure the appearance settings of each point individually - use extra data fields corresponding to the methods mentioned in the previous sections of the article:

// create data
var data = [
  {x: "Jan", low: 1000, q1: 1050, median: 1200, q3: 1800, high: 2000, outliers: [800, 2500, 3200]},
  {x: "Feb", low: 2500, q1: 3000, median: 3800, q3: 3900, high: 4000},
  {x: "Mar", low: 2000, q1: 2300, median: 2500, q3: 2900, high: 3000},
  {x: "Apr", low: 4000, q1: 5000, median: 6500, q3: 6900, high: 7200, outliers: [8930],
   normal:   {
               fill: "#00bfa5 0.3",
               stroke: "#00bfa5",
               medianStroke: "0.5 #00bfa5",
               stemStroke: "0.5 #00bfa5"
   hovered:  {
               fill: "#00bfa5 0.1",
               stroke: "2 #00bfa5",
               medianStroke: "1 #00bfa5",
               stemStroke: "1 #00bfa5"
   selected: {
               fill: "#00bfa5 0.5",
               stroke: "4 #00bfa5",
               medianStroke: "2 #00bfa5",
               stemStroke: "2 #00bfa5"
  {x: "May", low: 8000, q1: 8400, median: 8500, q3: 8800, high: 9000, outliers: [6950, 3000]}

// create a chart
chart =;

// create a series and set the data
series =;


Point Size

This chart type allows you to set the size of its points. Read more in the Point Size article.


Labels are text or image elements that can be placed anywhere on any chart (you can enable them on a whole series or in a single point). For text labels, font settings and text formatters are available.


A Tooltip is a text box displayed when a point on a chart is hovered over. There is a number of visual and other settings available: for example, you can edit the text by using font settings and text formatters, change the style of background, adjust the position of a tooltip, and so on.

Vertical Box

Most types of series in AnyChart can be drawn both in horizontal and vertical orientation: Vertical Charts.

Here is information about creating Vertical Box series: Vertical Box.