Network Graph
A network graph is a mathematical visualization that is used to model pairwise relations between points. Points are represented as nodes (vertices) that are linked by lines (edges).
This article explains how to create a basic Network Graph as well as configure settings that are specific to the type. You can also see the table below to get a brief overview of the Network Graph's characteristics:
Modules | Core + Network Graph |
API | |
Class | anychart.charts.Graph |
DATA | |
Data Fields | nodes , edges , id , from , to |
Multiple Series | N/A |
Stacked | N/A |
Vertical | N/A |
3D | N/A |
Error Bars | N/A |
Polar | N/A |
Radar | N/A |
Scatter | N/A |
Stock | N/A |
Sankey Diagram | |
Chartopedia: Network Graph | |
General Settings |
The Network Graph requires adding the Core and Network Graph modules:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Learn more: Modules.
Quick Start
To create a Network Graph, use the anychart.graph() chart constructor, like in the following sample:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard"},
{id: "Larry"},
{id: "Marta"},
{id: "Jane"},
{id: "Norma"},
{id: "Frank"},
{id: "Brett"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
// set the container id
// initiate drawing the chart
General Settings
In AnyChart there are many settings that are configured in the same way for all chart types, including the Network Graph (for example, legend and interactivity settings).
Read the overview of general settings: General Settings.
Special Settings
Data for a Network Graph can be passed to the chart constructor anychart.graph() or to the data() method.
Use the following data fields:
For each node, specify:
- the unique indentifierx
(optional) - the coordinates in the fixed layoutgroup
(optional) - the id of the group to which it belongs
For each edge, specify:
- the source nodeto
- the destination nodeid
(optional) - the unique indentifier
Note: It is possible to add custom fields to your data - see the Labels and Tooltips section of this article.
You can link a node with several nodes, but it is impossible to link a pair of nodes with more than one edge. Also, you can create nodes with no links, like in the sample below:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard"},
{id: "Larry"},
{id: "Marta"},
{id: "Jane"},
{id: "Norma"},
{id: "Frank"},
{id: "Brett"},
{id: "Tommy"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
For the Network Graph, two layouts are available: forced (default) and fixed.
When the layout is forced, nodes are arranged automatically. The fixed layout allows you to manually set the coordinates of each node - use the x
and y
data fields:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard", x: 0, y: 100},
{id: "Larry", x: 50, y: 150},
{id: "Marta", x: 100, y: 100},
{id: "Jane", x: 200, y: 100},
{id: "Norma", x: 250, y: 50},
{id: "Frank", x: 250, y: 150},
{id: "Brett", x: 300, y: 100},
{id: "Tommy", x: 400, y: 100}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
chart = anychart.graph(data);
To set the layout, combine the layout() method with type(). Pass either forced
or fixed
as a parameter - see anychart.enums.layoutType:
// set the layout type
This is how layouts work:
Iteration Step
Network Graphs are drawn with the help of a force-directed algorithm that groups nodes into clusters.
You can stop the drawing algorithm at any step: combine the layout() method with iterationCount(). The default number of steps is 500.
In the following sample, the iteration step of the first chart is not configured, and for the second chart it is set to 0:
// set the iteration step
To set the rotation angle of a Network Graph, use the rotation() method. The angle is 0° by default.
In the sample below, the rotation angle of the first chart is not configured, and for the second chart it is set to 90°:
// set the rotation angle
Nodes, or vertices, are objects that are pairwise connected with edges and represented as points. To set them, use the node
and id
fields in your data.
You can adjust the size, shape, and appearance of all nodes, of an individual node, or of a group of nodes, as explained in the subsections below. Also, you can configure their labels and tooltips - see the Labels and Tooltips section.
All Nodes
You can adjust the size, shape, and appearance of all nodes on a graph - access them by using the nodes() method.
Nodes can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Use the normal(), hovered(), and selected() methods.
Combine them with methods from anychart.core.StateSettings:
- height() to set the height
- width() to set the width
- shape() to set the shape - anychart.enums.MarkerType
- fill() to set the fill
- stroke() to set the stroke
In the following sample, there is a Network Graph with the size, shape, and appearance of nodes configured:
// access nodes
var nodes = chart.nodes();
// set the size of nodes
// set the shape of nodes
// set the fill of nodes
// set the stroke of nodes
nodes.hovered().stroke("#ffa000", 3);
nodes.selected().stroke("#333333", 3);
Individual Nodes
It is possible to configure each node individually - use extra data fields corresponding to the methods mentioned above:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard"},
{id: "Larry"},
{id: "Marta",
normal: {
height: 40,
shape: "star5",
fill: "#ffa000",
stroke: null
hovered: {
height: 55,
shape: "star5",
fill: "white",
stroke: "3 #ffa000"
selected: {
height: 55,
shape: "star5",
fill: "#ffa000",
stroke: "3 #333333"
{id: "Jane"},
{id: "Norma"},
{id: "Frank"},
{id: "Brett"},
{id: "Tommy",
normal: {
height: 20,
shape: "diagonal-cross",
fill: "#ff3300",
stroke: null
hovered: {
height: 27,
shape: "diagonal-cross",
fill: "white",
stroke: "3 #ff3300"
selected: {
height: 27,
shape: "diagonal-cross",
fill: "#ff3300",
stroke: "3 #333333"
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
Custom Images
The fill of a node can be set as a custom image:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard"},
{id: "Larry"},
{id: "Marta"},
{id: "Jane"},
{id: "Norma",
height: 60,
fill: {
src: ""
{id: "Frank"},
{id: "Brett"},
{id: "Tommy"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
You can group nodes - specify ids of groups in the group
data field of nodes:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard", group: "family"},
{id: "Larry", group: "family"},
{id: "Marta", group: "family"},
{id: "Jane", group: "friends"},
{id: "Norma", group: "friends"},
{id: "Frank", group: "friends"},
{id: "Brett", group: "friends"},
{id: "Tommy", group: "lone wolf"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
To configure nodes in a group, first access them by using the group() method with the id of the group as a parameter:
// access groups of nodes
var family ="family");
var friends ="friends");
var loneWolf ="lone wolf");
Groups can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Use the normal(), hovered(), and selected() methods.
Combine them with methods from anychart.core.StateSettings:
- height() to set the height
- width() to set the width
- shape() to set the shape - anychart.enums.MarkerType
- fill() to set the fill
- stroke() to set the stroke
In the sample below, there is a Network Graph with three groups of nodes, each with its own settings:
// set the size of nodes in groups
// set the shape of nodes in groups
// set the fill of nodes in groups
// set the stroke of nodes in groups
family.hovered().stroke("#ffa000", 3);
family.selected().stroke("#333333", 3);
friends.hovered().stroke("#00bfa5", 3);
friends.selected().stroke("#333333", 3);
loneWolf.hovered().stroke("#ff3300", 3);
loneWolf.selected().stroke("#333333", 3);
Edges are links that connect pairs of nodes and are represented as lines. To set them, use the edge
, from
, and to
fields in your data.
You can adjust the appearance of all edges or of an individual edge, as explained in the subsections below. Also, you can configure their labels and tooltips - see the Labels and Tooltips section.
All Edges
You can adjust the appearance of all edges on a graph - access them by using the edges() method.
Edges can be configured in three states: normal, hover, and selected. Use the normal(), hovered(), and selected() methods.
Combine them with methods from anychart.core.StateSettings:
// configure the visual settings of edges
chart.edges().normal().stroke("#ffa000", 2, "10 5", "round");
chart.edges().hovered().stroke("#ffa000", 4, "10 5", "round");
chart.edges().selected().stroke("#ffa000", 4);
Individual Edges
It is possible to configure each edge individually - use extra data fields corresponding to the methods mentioned above:
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard"},
{id: "Larry"},
{id: "Marta"},
{id: "Jane"},
{id: "Norma"},
{id: "Frank"},
{id: "Brett"},
{id: "Tommy"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane",
normal: {stroke: {
color: "#ffa000",
thickness: "2",
dash: "10 5",
lineJoin: "round"
hovered: {stroke: {
color: "#ffa000",
thickness: "4",
dash: "10 5",
lineJoin: "round"
selected: {stroke: "4 #ffa000"}
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
You can configure the appearance of nodes and edges on the whole chart or of individual nodes, node groups, and edges. See the Nodes and Edges sections to learn more.
Labels and Tooltips
Labels are text or image elements that can be placed anywhere on any chart (you can enable them on a whole series or in a single point). For text labels, font settings and text formatters are available.
A Tooltip is a text box displayed when a point on a chart is hovered over. There is a number of visual and other settings available: for example, you can edit the text by using font settings and text formatters, change the style of background, adjust the position of a tooltip, and so on.
To change the text of labels on the whole chart, combine the labels() and format() methods with tokens.
To change the text of tooltips, do the same with the tooltip() and format() methods.
Please note that it is possible to adjust labels and tooltips of nodes, groups, and edges. Access them by using the following methods: nodes(), group(), edges().
Here is the list of tokens that work with the Network Graph:
Also, you can always add a custom field to your data and use a custom token corresponding to it.
The following sample shows how to configure labels and tooltips and work with tokens to format their text. Along with regular tokens, a custom token {%last_name}
is used.
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard", group: "family", last_name: "Roe"},
{id: "Larry", group: "family", last_name: "Loe"},
{id: "Marta", group: "family", last_name: "Moe"},
{id: "Jane", group: "friends", last_name: "Poe"},
{id: "Norma", group: "friends", last_name: "Noe"},
{id: "Frank", group: "friends", last_name: "Foe"},
{id: "Brett", group: "friends", last_name: "Boe"},
{id: "Tommy", group: "lone wolf", last_name: "Toe"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
// enable labels of nodes
// configure labels of nodes
// configure labels of nodes in groups"lone wolf").labels().format("{%id}\n({%group})");"family").labels().fontColor("#00bfa5");"friends").labels().fontColor("#ffa000");"lone wolf").labels().fontColor("#dd2c00");
// configure tooltips of nodes
"<span style='font-weight:bold'>{%id} {%last_name}</span><br>group: {%group}"
// configure tooltips of edges
chart.edges().tooltip().format("{%from} -> {%to}");
Formatting Functions
To configure labels and tooltips, you can use formatting functions and the following fields:
You can also add a custom field to your data and refer to it by using the getData() method.
Note: The siblings
field allows getting an array of siblings - nodes that are connected with the given node by one edge.
The sample below demonstrates how to configure labels and tooltips and work with formatting functions to format their text. Along with regular fields, a custom field last_name
is used.
// create data
var data = {
nodes: [
{id: "Richard", group: "family", last_name: "Roe"},
{id: "Larry", group: "family", last_name: "Loe"},
{id: "Marta", group: "family", last_name: "Moe"},
{id: "Jane", group: "friends", last_name: "Poe"},
{id: "Norma", group: "friends", last_name: "Noe"},
{id: "Frank", group: "friends", last_name: "Foe"},
{id: "Brett", group: "friends", last_name: "Boe"},
{id: "Tommy", group: "lone wolf", last_name: "Toe"}
edges: [
{from: "Richard", to: "Larry"},
{from: "Richard", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Larry", to: "Marta"},
{from: "Marta", to: "Jane"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Norma"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Frank"},
{from: "Jane", to: "Brett"},
{from: "Brett", to: "Frank"}
// create a chart and set the data
var chart = anychart.graph(data);
// enable labels of nodes
// configure labels of nodes
chart.nodes().labels().format(function() {
if (this.siblings.length > 2) {
} else {
if (this.siblings.length == 0) {
return + "\n(" + this.getData("group") + ")";
} else {
return "";
// configure labels of nodes in groups"family").labels().fontColor("#00bfa5");"friends").labels().fontColor("#ffa000");"lone wolf").labels().fontColor("#dd2c00");
// configure tooltips
chart.tooltip().format(function() {
if (this.type == "node") {
return "<span style='font-weight:bold'>" + + " " + this.getData("last_name") +
"</span><br><br>siblings: " + this.siblings.length +
"<br>group: " + this.getData("group");
} else {
return this.getData("from") + " -> " + this.getData("to");
By default, you can navigate Network Graphs with the help of the mouse - see the Behavior section. Also, you can use special methods or a Zoom Control Panel, as shown in the subsections below.
Use the following methods to navigate the chart:
- zoomIn() to zoom in
- zoomOut() to zoom out
- zoom() to zoom in and out
- move() to move the chart by given values
- fit() to fit the chart to the container
// zoom the chart in
// zoom the chart out
// move the chart by given values
chart.move(50, -50);
// fit the chart to the container;
This is how these methods work:
Zoom Control Panel
The Zoom Control Panel is an HTML object with three buttons that allow zooming in, zooming out, and resetting the chart.
It requires adding the Common UI module:
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
Also, you should reference the anychart-ui.min.css
and anychart-font.min.css
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
Then combine the anychart.ui.zoom() method with target() and render() to create the panel:
// add a zoom control panel
var zoomController = anychart.ui.zoom();;
By default, users have an opportunity to drag and drop the Network Graph and its nodes and zoom it in and out with the mouse wheel.
It is possible to prevent or modify the behavior of the chart and its parts as well as configure some other behavior-related settings. You can enable the alignment of nodes, set the trigger area of edges, and optimize the performance by changing the way how edges are drawn.
Chart Behavior
By default, users have an opportunity to drag and drop the chart and zoom it in and out with the mouse wheel.
To modify the behavior of the chart, use the interactivity() method.
Combine it with the methods below and true
/ false
as a parameter:
- zoomOnMouseWheel() to allow or prevent zooming the chart with the mouse wheel
- scrollOnMouseWheel() to allow or prevent scrolling the chart with the mouse wheel
- enabled() to allow or prevent moving the chart
// allow scrolling the chart with the mouse wheel
The following sample shows how the mouse wheel can be used:
Node Behavior
By default, users have an opportunity to drag and drop nodes to any position on the chart. The automatic alignment of nodes is disabled.
To configure the behavior of nodes, use the interactivity() method.
Combine it with the methods below and true
/ false
as a parameter:
- nodes() to allow or prevent moving nodes
- magnetize() to enable or disable the automatic alignment of nodes
This sample shows how to prevent moving nodes:
// prevent moving nodes
This is how the alignment of nodes looks like:
// enable the alignment of nodes
Edge Behavior
To configure the behavior of edges, use the interactivity() method, combined with:
- hoverGap() - to set the trigger area for interacting with edges
- edges() to enable or disable a special mode of drawing edges, which optimizes the performance.
In the following sample, the trigger area of edges on the first chart is not configured, and for the second chart it is set to 30. Try to hover over and select edges to see the difference.
// set the hover gap of edges