Individual Elements

Project Chart

To adjust individual elements of a Project chart, use the following data fields:

Combine them with fields corresponding to the methods of elements - for example, with fill and stroke:

// create data
var data = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Development",
    baselineStart: "2018-01-12",
    baselineEnd: "2018-03-04",
    actualStart: "2018-01-15",
    actualEnd: "2018-03-10",
    children: [
        id: "1_1",
        name: "Analysis",
        baselineStart: "2018-01-12",
        baselineEnd: "2018-01-25",
        baseline: {fill: "#dd2c00 0.3", stroke: "0.5 #dd2c00"},
        actualStart: "2018-01-15",
        actualEnd: "2018-01-25",
        actual: {fill: "#dd2c00", stroke: "0.5 #dd2c00"},
        progressValue: "75%",
        progress: {fill: "#455a64 0.5", stroke: "0.5 #dd2c00"},
        connectTo: "1_2",
        connectorType: "finish-finish",
        connector: {fill: "#dd2c00", stroke: "2 #dd2c00"}
        id: "1_2",
        name: "Design",
        baselineStart: "2018-01-20",
        baselineEnd: "2018-01-31",
        actualStart: "2018-01-20",
        actualEnd: "2018-02-04",
        progressValue: "100%",
        connectTo: "1_4",
        connectorType: "start-start"
        id: "1_3",
        name: "Meeting",
        actualStart: "2018-02-05",
        actualEnd: "2018-02-05"
        id: "1_4",
        name: "Implementation",
        baselineStart: "2018-02-01",
        baselineEnd: "2018-02-19",
        actualStart: "2018-02-05",
        actualEnd: "2018-02-24",
        progressValue: "60%"
        id: "1_5",
        name: "Testing",
        baselineStart: "2018-02-20",
        baselineEnd: "2018-03-05",
        actualStart: "2018-02-25",
        actualEnd: "2018-03-10"
// create a data tree
var treeData =, "as-tree");

// create a chart
var chart = anychart.ganttProject();

// set the data;   


Resource Chart

To adjust an individual period of a Resource chart, you need to add extra data fields to the object that defines this period.

Use the "connector" field to configure connectors and fields corresponding to the methods of periods - for example, fill and stroke:

// create data
var data = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Server 1",
    periods: [
      {id:"1_1", start: "2018-01-02", end: "2018-01-25",
       fill: "#dd2c00", stroke: "#dd2c00",
       connectTo: "1_2", connectorType: "finish-start",
       connector: {fill: "#dd2c00", stroke: "2 #dd2c00"}},
      {id:"1_2", start: "2018-01-28", end: "2018-02-22"},
      {id:"1_3", start: "2018-03-03", end: "2018-03-25"}
    id: "2",
    name: "Server 2",
    periods: [
      {id: "2_1", start: "2018-01-07", end: "2018-02-15",
       connectTo: "2_2", connectorType: "finish-start"},
      {id: "2_2", start: "2018-02-26", end: "2018-03-20"}
    id: "3",
    name: "Server 3",
    periods: [
      {id: "3_1", start: "2018-01-04", end: "2018-03-25"}

// create a data tree
var treeData =, "as-tree");

// create a chart
var chart = anychart.ganttResource(); 

// set the data;   
