This article explains how to adjust legend items. You can set their text font, text format, the size of icons, and so on - combine the legend() method of the chart with methods of the anychart.core.ui.Legend class that affect items.
Please note that the settings listed in this article are applied to all items at once. If you need to configure items individually, see the Individual Legend Items article.
Text Font
You can configure the font of legend items by using the following methods:
- fontColor() to set the font color
- fontFamily() to set the font family - Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, etc.
- fontSize() to set the font size
- fontStyle() to set the font style - normal, italic, oblique
- fontVariant() to set the font variant - normal or small caps
- fontWeight() to set the font weight
- other methods from anychart.core.ui.Legend
// configure the font of legend items
Text Format
To set the text format of legend items, use the itemsFormat() method with either tokens or formatting functions. Which settings are available depends on the series type and whether the chart type is single-series or multiple-series.
You can also call the useHtml() method to enable HTML for the legend text.
If the chart type allows adding multiple series, each legend item represents a series. In this case, you can use the {%seriesName}
token, which is always available, and other series-related (not point-related) tokens supported by the given series type.
For example, here the {%seriesName}
and {%seriesYSum}
tokens are used to configure the legend text of a multiple-series Line chart:
// enable html for the legend
// configure the format of legend items
"<span style='color:#455a64;font-weight:600'>{%seriesName}:</span> ${%seriesYSum}"
Each legend item of a single-series chart type is linked to a chart point, so you can use tokens representing the values of the points. The exact set of the tokens available depends on the chart type.
In the following sample, the {%x}
, {%value}
, and {%percentValue}
tokens are used to configure the legend text of a Pie chart:
// enable html for the legend
// configure the format of legend items
"<span style='color:#455a64;font-weight:600'>{%x}:</span> ${%value}"
Formatting Functions
Legend items of multiple-series charts represent series, so you can use formatting functions with the series
field, allowing you to access methods of the series.
In this sample, a formatting function is used to get the colors, names, and total values of Line series by accessing the color(), name(), and getStat() methods:
// enable html for the legend
// configure the format of legend items
chart.legend().itemsFormat(function() {
return "<span style='color:" + this.series.color() + ";font-weight:600'>" +
this.series.name() + "</span>: $" + this.series.getStat("sum");
Legend items of single-series charts represent points, so you can use formatting functions with the point-related fields supported by the given chart type.
In the sample below, the x
and value
, and index
fields are used to configure the legend of a Pie chart. The index
field, which represents the index of the point, is combined with the getPoint() method of the chart to access the getStat() method of the point:
// enable html for the legend
// configure the format of legend items
chart.legend().itemsFormat(function() {
var point = chart.getPoint(this.index);
var maxPoint = chart.getStat("max");
var percent = point.getStat("percentValue").toFixed(1);
if (point.get("value") == maxPoint) {
return "<span style='color:#455a64;font-weight:600'>" +
this.x + ": " + percent + "%</span>";
} else {
return this.x + "</span>: " + percent + "%";
Most settings of the legend icons (for example, their colors and types), can be configured only individually for each icon - see the Icons and Icon Markers sections of the Individual Legend Items article. Also, you can use themes, which is an alternative way to customize the legend, including its icons.
To set the size of legend icons, call the iconSize() method:
// set the size of legend icons
The itemsSpacing() and iconTextSpacing() methods allow setting the spacing between legend items and between the icon and text of each item:
// set the spacing between legend items
// set the spacing between legend icons and text
The default order of legend items depends on the chart type. You can invert it with the help of the inverted() method:
// set the order of legend items