

Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are an offshoot from Japanese candlesticks. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks use the open-close data from the prior period and the open-high-low-close data from the current period to create a combo candlestick. The resulting candlestick filters out some noise in an effort to better capture the trend. In Japanese, Heikin means "average" and ashi means "pace". Taken together, Heikin-Ashi represents the average pace of prices. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are used to identify trending periods, potential reversal points and classic technical analysis patterns.

Adding Indicator

Heikin-Ashi indicator is added using ha() method. It requires a mapping with four fields: "open", "high", "low", and "close".

// create data table on loaded data
var dataTable = anychart.data.table();

// map loaded data
var mapping = dataTable.mapAs({"open": 1, "high": 2, "low": 3, "close": 4});

// create stock chart
var chart = anychart.stock();

// create the first plot on the chart
var plot_0 = chart.plot(0);

// create ohlc series
var ohlcSeries = plot_0.ohlc(mapping);

// create the second plot on the chart
var plot_1 = chart.plot(1);

// create a Heikin-Ashi indicator
var ha = plot_1.ha(mapping);

Here is a live sample:


Indicator Parameters

There are two parameters a Heikin-Ashi indicator has, one of them is necessary - the mapping. The second parameter sets the series type. The following code sample demonstrates a Heikin-Ashi indicator with parameters set as default:

var ha = plot.ha(mapping, "candlestick");

The series type can be easily changed any time using the seriesType() method.


Vizualization of an indicator depends on the type of a series you display it with. Here is a sample where Heikin-Ashi indicators with different parameters and settings are added to different plots:

// create and adjust a Heikin-Ashi indicator
var ha_1 = plot_1.ha(mapping).series();

// create and adjust a Heikin-Ashi indicator
var ha_2 = plot_2.ha(mapping, "ohlc").series();

Live sample:
