AnyStock supports a lot of different series types. Some of them share some or all data fields and can be switched during the run time.
Series are created within chart plots by using either the addSeries() method or by series constructors, such as line(), column(), and so on. Except for a few minor differences, settings of AnyStock series are similar to that of basic charts - see Basic Charts: General Settings.
Basic Sample
Here's a basic sample with three different series on two plots:
// map the data
var mapping1 = dataTable.mapAs({"open": 1, "high": 2, "low": 3, "close":4});
var mapping2 = dataTable.mapAs({"high": 2, "low": 3});
var mapping3 = dataTable.mapAs({"value": 4});
// create an ohlc series
var series1 = chart.plot(0).candlestick(mapping1);
// create a range area series
var series2 = chart.plot(1).rangeArea(mapping2);
series2.name("Range Area");
// create a line series
var series3 = chart.plot(1).line(mapping3);
You can adjust tooltips, the colors of series, etc.:
// create an ohlc series
var series1 = chart.plot(0).candlestick(mapping1);
// create a range area series
var series2 = chart.plot(1).rangeArea(mapping2);
series2.name("Range Area");
series2.fill("Red 0.1");
// create a line series
var series3 = chart.plot(1).line(mapping3);
series3.stroke("#aeb404", 1, "10 5", "round");
AnyStock series cannot be selected and have only the normal and hover states. You can specify how series look when a legend item is hovered over and enable markers:
// create a line series
var series1 = chart.plot(0).line(mapping1);
// configure the series in the hover state
series1.hovered().stroke("#aeb404", 1, "10 5", "round");
Individual Settings
By default stock series do not allow settings to be applied to individual points - all points have the same settings for the sake of performance. You can allow configuring individual points for all series as described in the Data tutorial. Also, you can use the allowPointSettings() method to enable this option for a particular series.
Scroller Series
You can add a background series of any type to the scroller and adjust its colors in the selected state:
// create a thumbnail series in the scroller
var scrollerSeries = chart.scroller().column(mapping2);
// set the color for the selected columns in the scroller series
Supported Series
AnyStock supports series of different types, such as Line, OHLC, Marker, and many others. You can find them all in the Supported Series list. Series types that share some or all data fields can be switched during the run time.